Retargeting advertising strategy

Retargeting is an online advertising model that seeks to bring people back to a store or website who have previously shown interest in it. It is a method of reminding the customer that the offer still stands as they browse other portals. For this reason, it is important to have a good retargeting advertising strategy.

Retargeting is very simple. It works by installing a code (a cookie) which allows the customer to be tracked. This means that the customer visiting your website is targeted and the company can begin to track them.

The customers who have seen a specific page, but haven’t made the final purchase, can be targeted to show them campaigns and motivate them to buy the product. A large majority of customers do not decide to make the purchase (they do not convert), which makes retargeting become essential. Therefore, this technique can be understood as a second chance to recover these customers.

It is common for retargeting campaigns to be configured in stages. In order to not exhaust the client, different messages and inputs are also sent to them. The important thing is that the client is not swamped with information. Sending the right and necessary messages by using keywords is the main key to success with retargeting.

A good segmentation is also the basis for successful retargeting. All marketing campaigns launched with good segmentation have a better chance of succeeding. The more precise the audience is the more chances of success.

Types of retargeting strategies

There are several possible retargeting strategies. The basis of these strategies is to focus on the type of customer, identify what needs they have had and how they have approached your brand. Companies segment based on how they relate to the company and implement strategies based on these segments.

There are many types of methods, but we have selected the 5 most common retargeting strategies to sell:

  1. The occasional visitor to announce your business to

Occasional visitors are one of the most common types of customers. It is likely that a large percentage of these visitors are potential customers for your company and do not have too much information about your products or services.

Therefore, at this stage, it is necessary for the company to be known and become essential to be able to respond to customers’ needs.

Retargeting ads are used in this case to increase knowledge about the company. The more ads published, the better the customer will know your company. The ads usually launch offers (discounts or free trials) or benefits (how the product can help you) to bring traffic back to your website and have the customer make the purchase.

Even if they’re customers who aren’t entirely familiar with you, they’re easier to attract for you than customers who don’t know anything about your company or haven’t visited your website.

It is very important to differentiate the actions taken by users on your website since a visitor looking at the “About Us” page is not the same as another user looking at the specific page of a product. It is necessary to apply these segmentation criteria, as they are the only data you will have about these potential customers.

  1. To the active visitor who has seen your product page

Another form of retargeting is the one where the customer has visited a product page. In these cases, the effort with the advertisements is made emphasizing the benefits of the product that the customer has visited.

For this type of retargeting you must take into account that the maximum period of remarketing is 2 weeks or a month. Thus, if a person visits a product page on your website, you will have to focus remarketing efforts in the next 2 weeks. This timeframe is also proven to take advantage of the fact that the customer made a fresh visit to the website.

This type of retargeting is important since the customers who have recently visited your website are the ones you have the most options to capture from. Therefore, acting quickly before these users can help you add more people to your list of regular buyers and customers.

  1. To the person who has abandoned his shopping cart

Did you know that more than half of customers leave the shopping cart without making a purchase? This huge number of customers makes it necessary to develop a method by which they can be retrieved.

Customers who are just a short time away from making the purchase are easier for you to attract. This is the same as being about to buy in your store. It is more important for you to prevent the customer from going to another store. You must fight to keep customers with you and prevent them from going to other stores.

For these customers, you can create a segment of the audience among those who have visited the shopping cart. Separate those who have visited the page, rule out those who have ended up converting, and those who have bought the product. To these, you will apply other forms of retargeting.

Segmenting the public that has added products to the shopping cart but has left the page before converting is essential. When creating ads for these segments you must take into account the sense of urgency, as it works well with customers who have not finished shopping.

One way that companies use to capture these types of customers is usually to create offers that will expire in time. For example, the shopping cart can be closed if the purchase is not made in a specific time frame. Offer them discounts when buying it in a shorter period of time or for buying more than one product. This way, people who leave the shopping cart will have the motivation to return.

  1. To those who have made a purchase

Remarketing also exists for those who have made a purchase.  It is the remarketing done for the confirmed customer, who has already found your store attractive.  It is important that the customer sees that the store or website can be useful again. 

They are highly valuable customers for your business because their effectiveness has already been proven, so remarketing must be done with care. 

The remarketing techniques commonly used in these cases are usually based on suggesting a new product to the buyer. The product is usually a supplement to another product the buyer has purchased.  For example, if the customer has purchased a pair of slippers, it is possible to suggest that he can buy a pair of trousers or a T-shirt. 

These are customers who have already converted, so they should go into a specific segment to target a specific retargeting campaign.  Do it the same way you have worked with customers who left their shopping cart. But, in this case, select the ones they’ve converted. 

  1. To those who have made a purchase months ago

Time passing by is also another reason to segment your customers and launch a retargeting campaign. Although efforts are usually focused on a short period of time, it is more than normal that you want to bring back customers from long ago.

One way to do this is by calling customers who have purchased in the last 6 months. The difference with this segment and the previous one is that it is a segment of the public that has not made a purchase in a long period of time. These customers could be forgetting your company.

Select those customers to whom you have not sold a product over a long period of time and offer to buyback. This is a similar step to the one you have to take with the initial customers, but without the need to introduce the store. Usually, this step is done by email and not by banners, as the company can start a more direct communication with the customer.

The objective of these old clients is to show yourself again as a company of interest, which they can use again. Show them the products they can buy and the services they can purchase.

Remember that in Synapse Ads we guide you on how to use these types of tools. We offer you the keyword mixer tool that will guarantee the success of your conversion optimization. Your commercial growth is our priority and we have all the information to help your business improve every day.

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