Learn how to Advertise on Google and obtain the best results

One of the easiest and most effective ways to advertise for a larger audience is with Google Ads. This tool helps you advertise not only on Google search pages, but also on partner pages such as AOL.com, Gmail, and many other websites that are related to Google. One of the best things about how to advertise on Google is that you only pay for ads when someone actually clicks on one.

First of all, know that you can buy advertising on Google. In addition, there are many types of ads and advertisers. But, before buying ads on Google, the user must know what their business goal is.

You can invest large amounts of money but if you do not have a specific objective, it is useless. Therefore, before starting a campaign to purchase ads on Google it is important to know where the business is and what you want to achieve.

Buying advertising on Google is easy and fast but it is necessary to carry out a digital marketing strategy that follows up on the entire process. In addition to getting clicks or visits, advertisers bring users closer.

Your digital marketing strategy will help you establish priorities and know when, how much and how to invest. Thus, you can focus on converting leads into customers or building user loyalty through newsletters, among other options.

Types of ads

One of the goals of learning how to advertise on Google is to attract new quality users to the web. Thus, buying advertising on Google covers the areas where the rest of digital marketing strategies cannot reach.  However, there are different types of advertising that can be purchased at Google.

  1.     Search Network

It is the most common option when buying advertising on Google, and is carried out with the Google ads platform. In this case, the user will see a text ad when performing a search.

The ad appears on the results page. This implies that the user has done a search to see results on the page and the ad in question. The person trying to buy advertising on Google chooses the keywords for which they want the ad to pop up. The amount of money you have to pay is established by the number of clicks the ad receives.

One of the positive aspects of this option is that, due to high amounts of traffic, it has adapted quickly to new trends. These ads are responsive and adapt to different formats, both in practicality and functionality.  This type of advertising has a great reception because it achieves great visibility. The product or service that is promoted reaches users, and they accept them because they have already shown an interest in the subject.

  1.     Display Network

The display network is part of Google ads. In this case, Google makes available a series of websites, platforms and some mobile apps to advertisers. The advertiser has the option to choose the type of ad he or she wants to buy.

You can choose between several types of ads such as banners, texts and videos, among others. In addition, you can choose where to show up according to the segmentation of the platform itself. That is, you can choose a diffusion by context, by location, by themes, etc.

The advertiser has the option to pay for each click or for every thousand impressions of the ads. In addition, it is one of the cheapest systems to buy advertising on Google.

Great brand visibility is achieved and it falls within the acceptable margins of cost and coverage. On the other hand, it allows for great creative development.  By using this type of ad, you could design any type of message, text or video. There are many ad formats, and you can give a personal brand touch to each one.

  1.     Retargeting

Retargeting seeks to impact users who have already interacted, in some way, with the brand. This technique of digital marketing is based on cookies that record the user’s behavior on a site to later show related content.

The retargeting technique works thanks to the cookies that are installed in the browser and that register the movements and preferences of certain websites. When you enter other websites that accept ads from third-party campaigns, ads for products that have already been visited are shown.

Obviously, the more traffic the page has, the more effective the retargeting is.  On the other hand, the most common is to show products that users have already visited and consequently, for those who have already shown prior interest.

This way of buying ads on Google reinforces the message of the brand or concepts. Therefore, you need a special job to not exhaust the user. He may feel pressured by this type of advertising since it matches their previous searches.

The positive aspect of retargeting is that it impacts the users. This way of buying advertising on Google helps users finally decide on the products they had searched and abandoned.

  1. YouTube

It is important to remember that YouTube is the second platform that receives the most visits, after Facebook. The platform has more than 1,500 million active users in a month. 88% of internet users access it. As a result, 25% of users on YouTube have seen at least one brand video in the last month.

This type of advertising is paid only when the user has viewed the ad for a specific period of time. The good thing is that it allows great creativity practically without limits.

This way of buying advertising on Google is appropriate for brands that want to give visibility to their new products or services. It also addresses those brands that wish to create different advertising products.

  1. Google Shopping

This type of Google ad allows you to show more thorough ads about specific products on the same Google results page.  The difference with the search network is that you can include images and not just text.

You can also add the price and features of the product. This allows the users to check the offer quickly and determine if they are interested or not.

This way of buying advertising on Google allows you to develop more striking ads than text ads. It also makes it easy to close the purchase. By offering more information the user has fewer doubts and tends to click. This allows the user to be in the decision phase of the purchase.

The base of a solid Google Shopping campaign is to be clear about the objective and to develop it in the best possible way. Thus, it is important that the idea develops creatively or that the image of the brand is adequately represented.

For more information about this and other related subjects, please visit Synapse Ads blog and increase your chances of doubling your website traffic. You can also review our newest Keyword Mixer. A tool that helps create and find the best keywords that will improve your site.

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