Optimize and build Google ads setup

It is not difficult to optimize and build Google ads setup. Within your Google ads account you have a series of metrics that will give you all the necessary information to optimize them. You only have to know how to find and interpret them.  You must think that users are continuously receiving information, which has caused them to become very selective in the pages they visit and in the clicks they make.

Customers will pay more attention to those links or pages that give them great value. To determine if your message is reaching customers who are interested, the first thing you must do is to establish the objective of the campaigns that you will develop in Google ads, then link them with the appropriate metrics.

Prepare your Budget

The Google ads consultant, or the agency, have the responsibility to get «spend» what the advertiser is willing to invest in advertising.

There are two variables for this type of budget, the campaign level, and the ad groups level. The budget configuration is at the campaign level, therefore, it has to start there in order to allocate it there first. Sometimes the cause of not consuming budget could be that we share a campaign with another group that is having more pull in terms of searches.

A very common pattern when focusing on the Search Network is not having correctly chosen keywords that generate impressions. Once the impressions are generated, if we are in the correct positions and the ad is attractive enough, we will get clicks.

Reaching the scope

The position is decisive in the Search Network. Obviously, the higher the position the more expensive is the average CPC, but there are also other metrics such as the conversion rate.

We must choose the position correctly, valuing average CPC and conversion rate. In addition, there are other factors to have into account. For instance, mobile behavior in high positions is crucial, since it is more difficult for the user to scroll down to positions 3, 4 or above all below the organic results.

Something else that we should value is the quality of the lead depending on the position. For instance, a company in which the quality of potential clients captured by forms when positions are 3, 4 or more are gradually worse than if we move in positions 1 and 2.

The explanation is that the lead had already requested information from several companies of the competition, but also had previously requested it. This means that sales probabilities are greatly reduced. We will influence the positions of our ads through bids, extensions and the level of quality in general.

Automated Bid Strategy

We can choose Smart Bidding and prioritize by:

  1.      Target CPA (cost per acquisition): when we want to increase the number of conversions by guiding them to a specific CPA or cost per conversion.
  2.      ROAS (return of the objective advertising investment): here what we want to prioritize is the value that the conversion obtains. It is very similar to the previous one but we must incorporate the data of the value that each objective generates.
  3.      Maximize conversions: we also have the possibility to prioritize getting as many conversions as possible without going over the budget. Of course, in this case will not respect the cost per conversion as we saw in target CPA.

As you can see, you have a large amount of important information related to your Google ads account. Take your time to review all the indicators and you will see how the return on investment grows and more users will be driven to your site.

In Synapse Ads we guide you on how to use these types of tools. We also offer you the keyword mixer tool that will guarantee the success of your conversion optimization. Your commercial growth is our priority and we have all the information to help your business improve every day.

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